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Treasurer's Office


Lisa Sulfaro


Treasurer’s Mission Statement

The mission of Monroe Charter Township Treasurer’s Office is to provide financial management of all Township assets, in accordance with State of Michigan law and the Monroe Charter Township Investment Policy, perform tax collection duties, and assist citizens with professionalism.



Integrity, fiscal responsibility and transparency are vital for economic growth and prosperity for our community.  The Treasurer is an elected member of the Township Board, and as a member of the Board, votes on all issues in which a vote is required. The Treasurer has specific statutory responsibilities assigned by the State of Michigan.  Monroe Charter Township has a proven track record of accountability, internal controls, and transparency with our financial audits, and have received clean financial audits from an independent Certified Public Accounting firm for over 25 consecutive years.


The Treasurer and Treasurer’s Office Staff are committed to providing professional and efficient customer service to the residents and visitors of Monroe Charter Township.  

Our very knowledgeable and courteous staff are receptive to the concerns and needs of the public, and our continued practice is to provide prompt and effective service to all citizens.


Responsibilities and Duties

Receiving, receipting and reconciling all monies due the Township, including but not limited to: property taxes (real and personal), special assessments, state revenue sharing, awarded grants, all forms of authorized permit fees, engineering & planning escrows/fees, zoning fees, sewer tap-in fees, parks & recreation receipts, franchise fees, and any other sources of revenue due to the Township.


Other Responsibilities of the Treasurer’s Office

Daily balancing and reconciliation of all monies received prior to depositing

Depositing Township funds and investing monies in approved depositories

Monthly reconciliations for all bank accounts

Tax information, water and sewer tap-in application and information requests

Treasurer reviews and authorizes all accounts payable and Township payroll, in cooperation with the Clerk’s Department, and disburses all Township checks


Property Tax Collection

Summer Taxes: Due & payable each July 1 – September 14, without interest or penalty; 1% interest accrues each month after September 14 through final due date. 

An application for Deferment of Summer Taxes is available in the Treasurer’s office, and applicant must meet qualifications as set forth by the State of Michigan.  Form must be filed by Sept. 14th, and if qualified, Summer Taxes can be deferred until the next February 14 without interest or penalty. 

Winter Taxes: Due & payable each December 1 - February 14, without interest or penalty.  **When the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, final day is the next business day following due date. If taxes are paid from February 15 - February 28, a 3% penalty will be added (except for certain eligible persons as provided by law).  Please contact Monroe County Treasurer for ALL WINTER DEFERMENT information at (734) 240-7365. After February 28, all unpaid real property taxes will be turned over as delinquent to Monroe County Treasurer.


At 3.7268 township operating mills and 1.9822 Voted Fire Millage mills for 2024, Monroe Charter Township is on the lower end of Charter Township operating millages within Monroe County.  We strive to make our township a great place to live and work.  The collected operating mills are used to help fund necessary capital project improvements each year, such as public safety, road projects, parks and recreation improvements, and township-owned buildings and land improvements.



Format, print, and mail out nearly 7,000 bills for each tax season: Summer & Winter

Property tax deferments

Accurately balance and distribute tax monies to each collecting tax entity in a timely manner, typically every two weeks

Annual special assessments (balanced and placed) on winter tax bills

Board of Review, State Tax Commission, and Michigan Tax Tribunal adjustments

Overpayments and refunds due, when applicable, for all our financial accounts

March Tax Collection Settlement with Monroe County Treasurer

Collection of delinquent personal property taxes throughout all year


Monroe Charter Township collects taxes for and disburses taxes to:

City of Monroe Water Dept. (delinquent special assessments)

Ida Public Schools

Monroe Charter Township

Monroe County (County Operating, Veterans, Fairview, Library)

Monroe County Community College

Monroe County Drain Commission (special assessments)

Monroe County Intermediate School District

Monroe Public Schools

State of Michigan


Payment Options

Cash or check/money order/cashier’s check (made payable to Monroe Charter Township)


Payment Locations:

Treasurer’s Office at the Township Hall (in person), M-F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

After-Hours Locked Drop Box located next to front doors at Township Hall


** Current tax collection payments only may also be made at:

First Merchants Bank

14581 S. Dixie Hwy.

Monroe, MI 48161


If you have any questions regarding any of the above information, please feel free to give my office a call Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 734-241-6575


Current Tax information is now available online at the following link:

Click Here


Honored to serve as your Treasurer,

Lisa Sulfaro

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