The Township Clerks’ office is responsible for the administration of all governmental and school elections held in Monroe Charter Township. Residents are encouraged to register to vote so that their voice can be heard on Election Day. Applications to become a registered voter are available at the Township Clerks’ Office, located at 4925 East Dunbar Road, Monroe, MI 48161.
In 2024 there are three elections for Monroe Charter Township Residents:
Early Voting February 17th- 25th
February 27, 2024 Presidential Primary Election
Early Voting July 27th-August 4th
August 6, 2024 State Primary Election
Early Voting October 26th-November 3rd
November 5, 2024 Presidential General Election
With the passage of Proposal #22-2 voters may now early vote in person for all State and Federal Elections. All Monroe Charter Township Precincts will be able to vote at the Monroe Charter Township Hall beginning the second Saturday prior to the election until the Sunday prior to the election between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. for Early Voting.
Monroe Charter Township has established six election voting precincts, where citizens can vote their ballot on Election Day. Each precinct has been established to provide efficient service for all Township residents; precincts are placed where the majority of citizens reside, the precincts are handicapped accessible, and the precincts are well maintained and clean.
Precinct 1: Redeemer Fellowship Church; 5305 Evergreen Drive
Precinct 2: Redeemer Fellowship Church; 5305 Evergreen Drive
Precinct 3: Monroe Missionary Baptist Church 14260 S. Dixie Hwy
Precinct 4: Monroe Missionary Baptist Church 14260 S. Dixie Hwy
Precinct 5: Monroe Charter Township Hall; 4925 East Dunbar Rd
Precinct 6: Monroe Charter Township Hall; 4925 East Dunbar Rd
For each election, registered voters have the right to request an absentee ballot, which allows the voter to participate in the election without actually visiting the polling location. To request an absentee ballot, contact the Clerk’s office prior to Election Day and an application can be sent to your home. You can follow the status beginning with your application through the receipt of your ballot in the Clerk’s Office, at Michigan.gov/vote.
Polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Any qualified voter standing in line at 8:00 p.m. when the polls close will be allowed to vote.
Please note that on Election Day, the longest lines are normally at 7:00 a.m., lunch hour, and at 5:00 p.m. Your waiting time will be greatly minimized if you visit the polling during “non-peak” hours.
I hope this information has been beneficial to you. If you have any questions regarding elections held in Monroe Charter Township, please feel free to contact the Clerk’s office at (734) 241-6574.